Sex, vibrancy & deletion of abuse.

Feb 27, 2021

Reset the circuitry in your own body which carries and experiences sexual energy. Close off other pathways leaking into your direct connection with yourself; planet Earth; pure love; and the spark of infinity within you. Delete negative and abusive sexual experiences at any point in your own existence. Transmute all negative and abusive sexual experiences in your family line influencing you and your living family members today. Re-establish the vibrancy and potency of your own life force, healthily and continuously generating magnetism and light. CAUTION. This recording will radically re-set your personal relationships, closing the door on anything which shouldn’t be there. Be still!

Event: Reboot groups.

Theme: Childhood & the ancestors.

Included: 1 mp3 link (20 mins), 1 transcript (pdf).


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