Decide how to join the Reboot group.

Recurring Reboot or Choose your dates.

2 options

The Reboot group is every Wednesday and Saturday. There are 2 different ways to join. Both methods are a unique type of donation model we designed ourselves. You can choose:

  1. Recurring Reboot. An ongoing subscription where you stay in the Reboot group, pausing or cancelling when you wish.
  2. Choose your dates. A 12-week mechanism where you select a certain number or set of days and dates, then join again yourself. 

Join now

What's the difference?

  • With the Recurring Reboot, you can be in every Wednesday and / or Saturday group. You don't have to rejoin every time your latest sign-up expires. There is no gifting option. Any donation is taken once or twice per week every week.
  • With the 'Choose your dates' option, you don't have to be in every Reboot group and you can choose any combination and frequency of days and dates you wish. Any donation is given ahead in one amount for all sign-ups.

Why are your donation models so unique?

Our priority is for you to control your own sign-up rather than an external payment agency extracting money from you according to its own terms and conditions. You authorise us to deal with Stripe how you wish rather than being restricted to the typical and very limited options that are normally available.

Recurring Reboot: pausing & cancelling

This is a unique feature of the Recurring Reboot. Want a break? Just hit "pause". You can resume any time within 6 months. Or, if you want to stop permanently, hit the "cancel" button and your subscription will cease immediately and be permanently erased from your dashboard.

My dashboard

At the moment this is only available for the Recurring Reboot. Whenever you want to edit or review your subscription, we issue you a one-time access link. Just click on the My dashboard icon top right in the navigation bar on the website homepage.

Your privacy

Privacy is very important. We do not handle, store or see your card details. These are only processed by Stripe. Depending on your financial institution, there may be extra verification steps, but Oracle Girl does not make these requests.

Reminder emails

With the Recurring Reboot, you are always 'in' so you do not receive reminder emails. Meanwhile if you sign up for 4 or more Reboot groups with the 'Choose your dates' option, you receive a Join again email which reminds you that one or more of your Reboot sign-ups will be expiring in one week's time.

Your email receipt

This will arrive in your inbox. You have only subscribed successfully if you receive one. Please check your email straightaway to make sure you have it. If you don't think you received your email:

  • Make sure your inbox is not too full and your emails are not landing in "spam".
  • Check your provider does not filter incoming emails too strongly.